Thursday, August 27, 2020


 As a master of death I relish the process. Simple swatting doesn't quite do it for me. I like to watch the suffering, the last twitches as life leaves the body. I'd snip the wings first if I could. There's this one method I prize above all others when it comes to Reds. It's date of origin should be a global holiday. It's called Terro's Liquid Ant Bait. The active ingredient in the bait interferes with the ants' digestive systems, eventually killing the ants within 24-48 hours after consumption. This slow kill gives the worker ants enough time to get back and share the bait with the whole colony. This method of genocide is ingenious if nothing else. If you look closely enough, you may see the clear liquid translucently through the abdomen. Give it time. After a while, you see these fuckers moving slower. Soon the container in which the bait is held becomes littered with bodies- what a beautiful sight. The ants come no more. 

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