Sunday, June 21, 2020


  Some wear masks. Others do not. What's the difference? Is it fear? Is it caution? What's the difference? Standing in line. The lady behind me just coughed. That should be illegal now-a-days. She's closer than six feet. Someone should arrest her. At least medicate. I don't wear a mask. Call it recklessness. Call it fearlessness. I just like to breath.
  The mall was a bleak affair. There were certain arrows, messages on the ground. They told you where to walk. Most did not obey. They're walking on the wrong side. Is this criminal? If not, it should be. This is emergency. I should be allowed to call someone. Make these people walk on the right side of the hall, even if that means the left. Why don't I say anything?
  Is this even a big deal? I'm sure it is to some. I personally care not. I just want them to put the chairs back in Barnes and Noble.

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