Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Ramble

We do not live in a world of our own design. What does this mean? It means that in order for you to aquire what you desire, what you desire has to be self-evident. It means that we cannot interfere with matters out of our range or scope. It means people will eat dinner when they choose to eat dinner. It means in order for one to be content one must be content. What's the use of chasing something that is not there? Could something not there have the capability to pull? Gravity without matter? Counterintuitive, sure, but a question all the same. Is there a wrong answer? I have no idea, you tell me. On second thought, don't. I no longer care. I'll go back to who I was before. What is a thought but a drop in the ocean? I'll sail to distant shores. Never does a ship pass through the same ocean. Willingly I change course. It's cold outside, something Fahrenheit, a cool delight, if pleasure you find in temperature divine. Malign.
Who was she even? Is she even real? She felt real.. Who is she anyway? Where did she come from? Whever it was she must have flown back, or slithered- who am I to say? No response. How fitting. I have no batteries for my keyboard. I have too many books to read. My arms are sore. There's no one here with whom to be bored. How I wish to play a lonely chord! But again, there are no batteries for my keyboard. We do not live in a world of our own design.

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