Monday, September 3, 2018

The Fellow Ant

            Growing up in rural Sweetwater Alabama, a lot of my time was spent outdoors. With living a life outdoors comes the knowledge of creepy critters and their ways of life. One learns to steer clear of the crawlies who bite or sting: hornets, wasps, bees. Ants.

            As one with an allergic reaction to ant bites, I’ve learned early on how to not simply hate ants, but to loathe them. Equipped with a magnifying glass and a heart of malice towards those six-legged parasites, I’d manipulate the sunrays into raging death-beams that vaporized carpenters and harvesters alike. I felt no sympathy towards these ants because I’m sure they felt no sympathy for me when my skin would swell and welt wherever one of those malicious marauders tasted my flesh. For years I was more or less content with the hate-hate relationship that I had cultivated with this species. I figured if I was going to continue getting bit, then I’d trample every hill, I’d dose every line, I’d press every exoskeleton. But one day, after a fierce battle with the ants, both sides suffering heavily, I had an epiphany. While rubbing in copious amounts of Goldbond on my flesh wounds, I realized that there was another way, a better way, to live than in constant confrontation with these picnic pillagers. Simply live and let live.

            When I go back and look at all the run-ins I had with this colony, I shamefully remember that I was always the one to first sound the trumpets of war. I had to really sit and think about it. Ants don’t know me. They don’t go out of there way to scale my slopes in search for a piece of uncovered skin to sink their pincers into. Every instance in which I was bitten, I first kicked a mound or displaced a vital rock. I was the impetus. Ever since this realization, I’ve become less malicious towards ants. Don’t get me wrong, whenever I see one indoors, I go crazy with haemolymph-lust and begin spraying left and right. I just no longer go out of my way to harm their civilizations.

            Now for the real question. What are magnifying glasses supposed to be used for?

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